Exoprimal is a third-person shooter fighting game where players are forced to take on waves of aggressive dinosaurs and other players. Each war game needs a mix of different Exosuits to be successful, including tanks, support, and Assualt DPS. While there are loads of options to start with, players can also unlock three additional suits that aren’t available at the beginning of the game. There are two ways to earn each of these Exoprimal Exosuits: the first is with real money, and the second is by leveling up a character and BikCoin.
How to Unlock the Nimbus Exosuit in Exoprimal
Nimbus is a support suit that players can eventually unlock. In order to get this new Exoprimal Exosuit variation, players will need to do one of two things. To unlock this suit for free, players need to first reach player level 20, then purchase the suit with 5,000 BikCoin, the in-game currency used to upgrade, purchase items, and more.
This is also a skin that is purchasable through microtransactions in Exoprimal‘s store. In order to unlock it with real money, players just need to hit the button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This will take players to the store menu and show them the Head Start Kit; this kit includes the Nimbus, Murasame, and Vigilant unlock tickets and one skin for each. Depending on where the player lives, the cost of this DLC is between $10 and $20 USD at the time of this writing; those with Exoprimal on Xbox Game Pass get a slight discount on the DLC.
This suit, as well as the others, is also available instantly if the player purchased the deluxe edition of Exoprimal.
How to Unlock the Murasame Exosuit in Exoprimal
Murasame is a katana-wielding Assault melee Exosuit. This suit can be unlocked at player level 30 for 5,000 BikCoins. It is also available instantly to anyone who purchased the deluxe edition of the game or who purchases the Heat Start DLC on the Exoprimal store. If players purchase the Head Start DLC, they will also get an additional skin for Murasame along with it.
How to Unlock the Vigilant Exosuit in Exoprimal
Vigilant is the final Exosuit that can currently be unlocked in Exoprimal. In order to get it, players need to hit player level 40, which will take about 20 hours of in-game battles to accomplish. This heavy tank suit is built to defend and destroy, and level 40 players can unlock it for BikCoin as well. This is the third suit that comes along with the paid DLC Head Start, so players can purchase this if they can’t wait until level 40.
How to Earn the BikCoin in-Game Currency in Exoprimal
BikCoins are the in-game currency that lets players upgrade their different suits, buy new suits, and more. In order to make sure players have enough of this coin, they will just need to play loads of matches. Combat tests grant BikCoins based on performance. Players can also earn BikCoins from level rewards and Exoprimal‘s in-game loot system called War Chests. Earning the 5k needed to unlock the suits should be easy work.
Exoprimal is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.