CBSE 10th 12th Compartment Result 2023: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the Class 12 supplementary examination results. The score is available at the official CBSE website —
Other than this website, there are several other websites where students will be able to check their official scorecards of supplementary exams.
A total of 1,23,416 students registered for compartment exams out of which 80442 were boys and 42,794 were girls. Out of the total 1,20,742 students appeared and 57,331 students cleared the exam. The pass percentage for compartment exams is 47.5 per cent with boys securing 45.7 per cent pass percentage and girls securing 50.8 per cent.
For improvement, a total of 68,747 students registered out of which 60,419 students appeared. 59 per cent students improved their performance, for 35 per cent student their performance worsened and for 6 per cent it remained the same.
CBSE Class 12th supplementary Exams Results: When and where to check scorecards
The students who appeared for the supplementary exams will be able to check their results at the following websites:
The marksheet cum passing certificate of the regular students will be sent to their schools and for the private candidates, their marksheet cum passing certificate will be sent to their examination centers in Delhi and in other cities to the address given by the candidates in the application forms.
Additionally, the verification process will begin on August 3.
Compartment exams have now been renamed supplementary exams. The supplementary exam of while Class 12 examination was conducted on July 17.
CBSE also announced that they will not be releasing the merit list (toppers’ names) this time. In the annual exam result, nearly 16.9 lakh students registered for the exam. The overall pass percentage for Class 12 is 87.33 per cent, which is a dip from last year. In Class 10, as many as 93.12 per cent of students passed the CBSE exam, a dip of 1.28 percentage points from last year