Kangana Ranaut has been at loggerheads with Karan Johar for a long time now. She never misses a chance to take a dig at Karan and his movies. Recently, the filmmaker appeared on The Express Adda with Ananya Panday who asked a few questions to Karan. One of his answers had a reference to Kangana’s old remark against him.
During the India TodayConclave 2019, Kangana had made a scathing remark against Karan when she spoke about her relationship with the film industry.When Kangana was asked about Karan’s comments at an award function about her being jobless, she had retorted saying, “He will never be where I am… I mean look at my talent and look at his movies.”
So when Ananya asked Karan about the meanest thing someone said about his work, he told her, “Oh my god! It’s like someone said, ‘see my talent, see his films.’ And, I was like, ‘Ok!'”Meanwhile, during the same event, Karan offered an olive branch towards Kangana and expressed his wish to watch her upcoming film Emergency. But Kangana is in no mood to patch-up with him.
She reacted to Karan’s statement saying that the last time Karan praised her movie, her directorial debut Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, the film incurred heavy losses. The actress alleged that almost all the main actors from the film’s cast were paid back then to speak ill about her and eventually sabotage the film. However, she didn’t speak of who paid the actors of her film to spread the alleged disinformation.
“Ha ha last time when he said he was excited to see Manikarnika, the worse smear campaign of my life was unleashed upon me on its releasing weekend … almost all main actors working in the film were paid to sling mud on me and sabotage the film and suddenly the most successful weekend of my life was turned in to a living nightmare for me … Ha ha I am scared now very scared … because he is excited again,” read her note on Instagram.
During the India TodayConclave 2019, Kangana had made a scathing remark against Karan when she spoke about her relationship with the film industry.When Kangana was asked about Karan’s comments at an award function about her being jobless, she had retorted saying, “He will never be where I am… I mean look at my talent and look at his movies.”
So when Ananya asked Karan about the meanest thing someone said about his work, he told her, “Oh my god! It’s like someone said, ‘see my talent, see his films.’ And, I was like, ‘Ok!'”Meanwhile, during the same event, Karan offered an olive branch towards Kangana and expressed his wish to watch her upcoming film Emergency. But Kangana is in no mood to patch-up with him.
She reacted to Karan’s statement saying that the last time Karan praised her movie, her directorial debut Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, the film incurred heavy losses. The actress alleged that almost all the main actors from the film’s cast were paid back then to speak ill about her and eventually sabotage the film. However, she didn’t speak of who paid the actors of her film to spread the alleged disinformation.
“Ha ha last time when he said he was excited to see Manikarnika, the worse smear campaign of my life was unleashed upon me on its releasing weekend … almost all main actors working in the film were paid to sling mud on me and sabotage the film and suddenly the most successful weekend of my life was turned in to a living nightmare for me … Ha ha I am scared now very scared … because he is excited again,” read her note on Instagram.