Reports doing rounds in the Mumbai film industry are that Kangna has listed her plush bungalow located at the exclusive Pali Hill area for sale asking for an astonishing Rs. 40 cr. Some of the famous stars living here include Aamir Khan, Sonakshi Sinha and Sanjay Dutt thus making it one of the most desired places to live in Mumbai.
These facts make this house situated in a posh locality close to all lavish facilities sound seductive indeed. This property is testimony to her refined lifestyle as she has been known for taste in luxury and elegance.
In professional life, Kangana awaits the release of ‘Emergency’. The movie could be one of those milestone films because it had attracted a lot of anticipation due to its good storyline besides promising success both from critics’ and commercial view point. That Kangana manages to still impress both critics and viewers through dedication to craft as well as taking up challenging roles speaks volumes about her talent.
Kangana Ranaut’s journey through showbusiness has been nothing short of extraordinary. From receiving several National Film Awards for acting like Queen, Tanu Weds Manu series or Manikarnika into politics and recently becoming Member Parliament, she has continued breaking barriers exploring different dimensions of success.
As Kangna Ranawat prepares to sell off her opulent palace on Pali Hills, die-hard fans alongside real estate gurus have their eyes peeled on what happens next. With the upcoming movie “Emergency” waiting on a restive horizon; plus being one influential figure across politics and films in general, Kangana is a force to reckon with as far as the Indian cultural scene is concerned.