Actress and politician Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram to praise Phogat’s achievement, writing, “Fingers crossed for India’s first Gold Medal… Vinesh Phogat at one point took part in protests where she raised the slogans of ‘Modi teri Kabr khudegi.’ Yet she was given the opportunity to represent the nation and receive the best training, coaches, and facilities.This is the beauty of democracy and the mark of a great leader.”
Phogat’s uncle, former wrestler Mahavir Phogatexpressed confidence that she will bring home the gold medal. Vinesh’s historic win was celebrated by her family and villagers in Balali, who watched the semi-final match together. After her victory, Vinesh video-called her family directly from the Olympic venue to share the moment.
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Earlier in the day, Vinesh faced Tokyo 2020 champion Yui Susaki in the quarter-finals. Despite Susaki leading 1-0 after the first period, Vinesh turned the match around in the second period, defeating Susaki 3-2. This win was historic as it handed Susaki her first defeat in 82 international matches.