Hyderabad: In a horrific incident, a woman was tied with a rope behind a motorcycle and was dragged by her husband across rubble and stony ground in Nagaur district, Rajasthan. A video of this incident is being widely circulated across many social media platforms.
In the video, the woman can be seen yelling for help and also as the man gets off his bike, he stands over the injured woman. However, the face of the man is not clear in the video.
Later on, the husband was arrested and was identified as Premaram Meghwal.
This horrifying attack happened last month and the 40-second video clip is now getting circulated online.
Panchaudi police station assistant sub-inspector Surendra Kumar told news agency PTI, “The alleged incident occurred nearly a month ago in the Naharsinghpura village. The man allegedly thrashed his wife before tying her to his motorcycle and dragging her behind it.”
According to reports, the husband assaulted his wife because she wanted to see her sister in Jaisalmer. However, it can also be a case of a bride being ‘purchased’, a reference to the horrible tradition of ‘purchasing’ a wife from outside the state, which has been documented in areas such as Pali, Jhunjhunu, and Nagaur.
The local Police have said that they will investigate both angles.