Making its foray into India, BSA will launch the Gold Star 650 in India tomorrow August 15, on Independence Day. BSA is one of the oldest two-wheeler brands in existence, the company was purchased by Classic Legends in 2016 and since then the brand has brought back the iconic Gold Star 650 in a modern avatar and has been on sale in the international markets for a while now.
Also Read: BSA Gold Star 650 India Launch Confirmed For August 15
The Gold Star 650 follows a modern classic design that keeps to most of the design elements of the original model. It features a teardrop-shaped fuel tank with chromed sides, a circular headlamp, twin-pod meters, a wide-single-piece handlebar, a one-piece flat and wide saddle, and spoked wheels, all following a retro classic styling.
Also Read: BSA Gold Star 650: What To Expect
For the powertrain, the motor might keep to the old styling but is a modern machine on the inside. It is the highest single-cylinder displacement engine to be offered on a motorcycle in India that is liquid-cooled and is capable of producing 45 bhp and 55 Nm, and comes mated to a 5-speed gearbox. For cycle parts, the Gold Star 650 uses a cradle frame featuring a telescopic fork setup up front and twin shock absorbers at the back. Braking is done by disc brakes at both ends, assisted by dual-channel ABS. On the features package, the Gold Star 650 keeps it very simple and is equipped with a semi-digital instrument console and a USB charger.
Also Read: BSA Motorcycles: A Brief History Of The Iconic British Brand
In terms of pricing, BSA is expected to keep the sticker price competitive and is likely to begin in the ballpark of Rs 2.70 lakh ex-showroom. Competition-wise, the Gold Star 650 will compete against the Royal Enfield Interceptor 650.