10 precious thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi
“The greatness of a country and its moral progress can be judged by how animals are treated there.” – Mahatma Gandhi
mahatma gandhi best line
“First they’ll ignore you, then laugh at you, then fight you, and then you’ll win.” – Mahatma Gandhi (Photo Background- Pixabay)
Gandhi’s words
“Faith must always be weighed against reason. When faith becomes blind, it dies.” – Mahatma Gandhi (Gandhiji photo- Pixabay)
Gandhi Jayanti Thoughts
“I think leadership means walking with people.” – Mahatma Gandhi (Photo Background- Freepik)
Gandhiji’s message
“You don’t understand who is important to you until you lose them.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi’s quotes
“Live as if you are to die tomorrow, learn as if you are to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi Photo- Pixabay)
Gandhi’s views on peace
“The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the virtue of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi (Photo Background- Pixabay)
Precious words of Mahatma Gandhi
“Happiness will come when there is harmony in what you think, what you say, and what you do.” – Mahatma Gandhi (Photo Background- Pixabay)
Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi PDF
“Be the change you want to see in this world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi’s educational ideas
“Freedom means nothing if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” – Mahatma Gandhi