Rajinikanth‘s latest film ‘Vettaiyan‘ hit theaters on October 10 and was met with a grand reception from fans. ‘Vettaiyan’ has been released in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada. Despite being a weekday release, the film saw strong occupancy, with early positive reviews boosting its momentum and the film reportedly grossed over Rs 70 crore to begin its box office campaign.But ‘Vettaiyan’ has seen a major drop at the box office on the second, and the film reportedly grossed close to Rs 40 crore on day 2, according to Cinetrak. Even with the Ayudha Pooja aka Dussehra holiday, ‘Vettaiyan’ failed to see a cliff on day 2. However, ‘Vettaiyan’ has successfully surpassed the 100-crore mark, and the film is positioned to add more numbers during the weekend.
Vettaiyan Movie Review
In Tamil Nadu, ‘Vettaiyan’ grossed around Rs 42 crore in 2 days, while the advance sales for the film in the home state look solid as the film earned Rs 11 crore for day 3. ‘Vettaiyan’ is anticipated to post impressive weekend numbers, pushing it closer to profitability, and the film gets a tremendous response in overseas markets as Rajinikanth’s star power works.Directed by TJ GnanavelVettaiyan features Rajinikanth in the role of a police officer who supports encounter killings. The star-studded cast includes Amitabh BachchanRana Daggubati, Manju Warrier, Fahadh Faasil, Dushara Vijayan, and Ritika Singh. Rajinikanth’s portrayal, which showcases his versatility, has won over fans, while Anirudh Ravichander‘s powerful background score elevated the film’s impact.