Yesterday, the entire Kapoor clan, including Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Neetu Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Aadar Jain and Saif Ali Khan departed to New Delhi to meet PM Narendra Modi, to invite him to commemorate the occasion of 100 years of their grand father Raj Kapoor. Pictures of them from the private airport in Mumbai went viral, as the family dressed up in sharp ethnic wear to invite the PM.
A while back, Riddhima Kapoor, who stays in Delhi itself, took to her IG handle to share some priceless moments from the meeting. Donning a light brown saree, with a choker necklace, Riddhima joined her family for the occasion. She was accompanied by her husband Bharat Sahni. Riddhima shared several pics from the event, including glimpses of her interaction with the PM. She said, “They say manifest and it happens. When honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji took the oath for the first time in 2014, I had really wished to meet him purely owing to his dynamism and charisma…..
10 years later I had the privilege and the sheer honour of meeting him and as a representative of my family to celebrate my grandfather Shri Raj Kapoor ji who has left behind his legacy and impeccable body of work. As the world gears up to celebrate my grandfather’s 100th birth anniversary, our hearts are filled with gratitude for the almighty, our Prime Minister for making time and sharing his love for my grandfather and each one of you for loving each one of us! #100yearsOfRajKapoor.”
Earlier, Kareena dropped pictures from their visit where they can be seen extremely elated to meet the PM. Saif is also seen engaging in a deep conversation with him. But the highlight of these photographs is how Kareena got the PM’s autograph for Taimur and Jeh. One can see, ‘Tim and Jeh’ written on a paper.
The actress shared these pictures and wrote, “We are deeply humbled and honored to have been invited by the Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, to commemorate the extraordinary life and legacy of our grandfather, the legendary Raj Kapoor. Thank you Shri Modi ji for such a special afternoon. Your warmth, attention, and support in celebrating this milestone meant the world to us.”
Kareena further gave details of the Raj Kapoor festival and said, “As we celebrate 100 glorious years of Dadaji’s artistry, vision, and contribution to Indian cinema, we honour the timeless impact of his legacy, which continues to inspire us and generations to come. We are proud to showcase his iconic films and remember the impact he had on Indian cinema with the ‘Raj Kapoor 100 Film Festival’. Dec 13-15, 2024 | 10 films | 40 cities | 135 cinemas.”