Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal had shared screen space together in many movies right from the 90s, with ‘Mohra’. But ‘Hera Pheri‘ continues to remain their most iconic collaboration together and fans are anxiously waiting for the third installment. However, the duo provided some treat to them, as they are set to be seen together in ‘Bhooth Bangla‘ directed by Priyadarshan.
The film is currently being shot and Paresh Rawal shared a BTS photo with Akshay. The duo can be seen soaking in some winter sun in Jaipur. Akshay can be seen flaunting his chiseled, fit body. Rawal shared this photo and wrote, “A Shining star enjoying Winter Sun at Jaipur with Mr FIT @akshaykumar on the shoot of BHOOT BANGLA!”
Fans got nostalgic and were reminded of ‘Hera Pheri’ on seeing this photo and loved this moment. A person commented, “Taking power to fight ghosts from the sun god 🙏🤣” Another fan said, “Legendary duo” A fan expressed, “Best wishes to both of you can’t wait to see your reunion in #BhoothBangla ❤️”
The shoot of the film had started in December 2024, before the cast and crew went for a New Year break. Around three weeks ago, Akshay took to his Instagram and shared, “Beyond excited to be on set with my favourite @priyadarshan.official as we begin the shoot of our horror comedy #BhoothBangla today. This double dose of fear and laughter will be ready for you on 2nd April, 2026! Till then we need your best wishes.”
Akshay Kumar is set to begin 2025 with the release of ‘Skyforce‘, which sees the debut of Veer Pahariya. The film is set to release on January 24.
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