The fans in India couldn’t hold their excitement as Chris Martin gave a shoutout to Shah Rukh Khan during Coldplay’s recent concert in Mumbai. This concert which took place at DY Patil stadium is the talk of the town as Mumbaikars who attended it, cannot stop gushing over it. Chris started a song by saying on the stage, “Shah Rukh Khan forever”.
While this moment went viral on the internet, the man himself has now reacted to it. Shah Rukh Khan took to his stories to share this video. He wrote, “Look at the stars…look how they shine for you….and everything you do! My brother Chris Martin you make me feel special….like your songs!! Love you and a big hug to your team. You are one in a billion my friend. India loves u.”
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh’s daughter Suhana Khan shared photos along with a video of this particular moment as she was present at the concert with brother AbRam Khan. Navya Nanda had also accompanied Suhana. She wrote, “take me back to the start 🥹” while sharing photos and videos from the show.