Veteran filmmaker Shekhar Kapur has been conferred with the prestigious Padma Bhushanthe third-highest civilian award, for his exceptional contributions to Indian cinema. His ex-wife, actress and singer Suchitra Krishnamoorthihas expressed her pride and joy over his achievement. The former couple, who were married for eight years before parting ways in 2007, remain supportive of each other’s success.
Speaking to ETimes, Suchitra said, “So so proud of Shekhar. He’s worked so hard. When he won the Padma Shri in 1999, I said even then why Padma Shri – surely he deserves the Padma Bhushan. And here it is. Super proud of Kaveri’s daddy.”
Expressing his gratitude, Shekhar Kapur took to Twitter, saying, “What an honour! I am humbled that the Government of India has considered me to be deserving of a #PadmaBhushan. Hopefully, this award will make me strive harder to serve the industry that I am part of, and the beautiful nation that I am so fortunate to belong to. Thank you also to our film audiences of India, for I am because you are 🙏🏽 #JaiHind.”
His colleagues in the industry also shared their congratulations. Actor Manoj Bajpayee wrote, “My teacher, my guardian, Barry John, features in the list of Padma recipients. Is the best news for me in recent times. Also, my guiding light into the cinema world, Mr. Shekhar Kapur, name in Padma Bhushan list and our happiness knows no bounds!!! Congratulations to you both @shekharkapur @BarryJohn20, two of the people whose contributions to Indian cinema and Indian art and theater scenes are immense!!”
Film maker SS Rajamouli also congratulated Shekhar, writing, “A well-deserved recognition… Heartiest congratulations to @ShekharKapur sir on being awarded the Padma Bhushan. Your incredible contributions to Indian cinema have left a remarkable mark, and your work continues to inspire generations.”
Shekhar Kapur has been a trailblazer in Indian cinema, known for his pioneering approach to filmmaking. He gained global recognition for his historical epic Bandit Queen (1994), a bold portrayal of a woman’s life in rural India, which garnered critical acclaim for its unflinching realism. Kapur’s international success continued with Elizabeth (1998) and its sequel Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007), which earned him widespread recognition and accolades.
His filmmaking style blends gripping storytelling with profound emotional depth, inspiring countless filmmakers and actors. With a career spanning decades, Shekhar Kapur’s work continues to inspire audiences both in India and internationally. The Padma Bhushan award further cements his legacy as one of the most influential figures in Indian cinema.