Back in 2001, Sunny Deol and director Anil Sharma created cinematic history with the powerhouse blockbuster ‘Gadar: Ek Prem Katha’. This action-packed entertainer, set against the backdrop of the Indo-Pak partition, carved its name in the record books by becoming the film with the highest footfalls in the millennium. 22 years after the historic success, Sunny Deol, Anil Sharma, Ameesha Pateland Utkarsh Sharma decided to continue the story with ‘Gadar 2’.The film hit the big screen during the Independence Day 2023 weekend.
Pinkvilla reported that Zed Studios is all set for ‘Gadar 3’. According to the report, the first round of paperwork has been done between Zed Studios, Anil Sharma, and Sunny Deol.
A source revealed that ‘Gadar 2’ ended with a promise of ‘Gadar 3’, and that wasn’t an announcement made for the sake of grabbing eyeballs. Ever since the release of the film, Anil Sharma and his team of writers have been brainstorming ideas for the third part of ‘Gadar’, and they have finally locked down the basic idea for the third installment. Much like the world of the franchise, this one too will be set against the backdrop of the Indo-Pak conflict; however, the stakes this time will be higher than ever before.
The source further added that a lot of writing will happen to develop the idea, but the team has got the direction of where the story of Tara SinghSakina, and Jeete heads from here on.
Meanwhile, Sunny Deol is now shooting for ‘Lahore: 1947’ in February and is in talks to shoot for his part of Lord Hanuman in ‘Ramayana‘ followed by the sequel to his 1997 blockbuster, ‘Border’.
Pinkvilla reported that Zed Studios is all set for ‘Gadar 3’. According to the report, the first round of paperwork has been done between Zed Studios, Anil Sharma, and Sunny Deol.
A source revealed that ‘Gadar 2’ ended with a promise of ‘Gadar 3’, and that wasn’t an announcement made for the sake of grabbing eyeballs. Ever since the release of the film, Anil Sharma and his team of writers have been brainstorming ideas for the third part of ‘Gadar’, and they have finally locked down the basic idea for the third installment. Much like the world of the franchise, this one too will be set against the backdrop of the Indo-Pak conflict; however, the stakes this time will be higher than ever before.
The source further added that a lot of writing will happen to develop the idea, but the team has got the direction of where the story of Tara SinghSakina, and Jeete heads from here on.
Meanwhile, Sunny Deol is now shooting for ‘Lahore: 1947’ in February and is in talks to shoot for his part of Lord Hanuman in ‘Ramayana‘ followed by the sequel to his 1997 blockbuster, ‘Border’.