Akshay Kumar took to social media to share an adrenaline-pumping poster, showcasing him and Tiger on a battlefield, poised to take on adversaries.The caption read, “Back at doing our favourite thing on the big screen – ACTION #BadeMiyanChoteMiyanTeaser out on 24th January 2024.”
Producer Jackky Bhagnani echoed the excitement, sharing the promotional poster and stating, “Their action will speak louder than words! Presenting to y’all our men in action! BadeMiyanChoteMiyanTeaser out on 24th January 2024!”
The visually striking poster features the dynamic duo in combat gear, gripping their weapons amidst the wreckage of a battlefield, with helicopters soaring overhead. The tagline intensifies the anticipation, stating, “The world is about to end and… our heroes will rise.”
Reports from IANS suggest that the teaser is expected to be a thrilling 100 seconds long, offering a glimpse into the high-octane action sequences and character dynamics that await audiences. The film is scheduled for release on Eid 2024 and promises an immersive cinematic experience.
A source revealed, “With Khiladi, Akshay Kumar at the forefront, headlining this much-anticipated project along with the youngest action superstar, Tiger Shroff, ensures that the ‘Tiger Effect’ of the young star will surely captivate fans and audiences across all ages.”
“The teaser is said to span over 100 seconds and will be a visual spectacle, blending high-octane action sequences with character build-up, setting the stage for a cinematic feast. Scheduled to screen with ‘Fighter’ at select properties across India, this teaser is poised to be a powerful and captivating first look at what promises to be a massive Eid release,” the source added.
In addition to ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,’ Tiger Shroff has other exciting projects in the pipeline, including ‘Singham Again’ with Rohit Shetty and ‘Rambo’ with Rohit Dhawan. Stay tuned for the action-packed teaser on January 24!