Having commenced vehicle production at the former Ford India plant in Sanand, Gujarat, Tata Motors has said it will roll out its first EVs from the facility from April 2024. The carmaker recently announced the rollout of the first batch of internal combustion Nexons from the new Tata Passenger Electric Mobility-owned facility in Sanand that the company acquired last year.
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Speaking to PTI, Shailesh Chandra, MD, Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles and Tata Passenger Electric Mobility said that the company would roll out the Nexon EV from its new plant starting April 2024. The electric subcompact SUV would be the first EV to roll out from the facility. The new plant expands Tata’s annual passenger vehicle capacity by 3 lakh units which can be scaled further to 4.2 lakh units per year.
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The Nexon EV will be the first electric vehicle to roll out of the former Ford India plant.
Chandra also revealed details on the launch of the much-anticipated Curvv and the Harrier EV that made its debut as a concept at last year’s Auto Expo. Chandra said that the production Curvv EV would debut in India by Q3 2024 with the Harrier EV expected to follow in the following quarter. He also said that the company planned to unveil the internal combustion Curvv SUV around the same time as the Harrier EV.
Also Read: Tata Punch EV Launched In India; Prices Start At Rs. 10.99 Lakh
Tata says that the Curvv EV will be launched by Q3 2024.
Also read: Tata Punch Facelift To Be Launched In 2025
At the launch of the Tata Punch EV, the carmaker had confirmed that it intended to launch five EVs in India by end-2025 based on the new Acti-ev platform. The Punch EV was the first model to be underpinned by the new platform followed by the Curvv EV, Harrier EV, Sierra EV and the long-awaited Altroz EV.
With inputs from PTI